How to Respond to Negative Feedback

By June 14, 2016

In today's technology-driven world, it's important to have an online presence. Real Estate Agents should have websites and social media accounts to connect with current, past and potential clients. However, managing these accounts can be tricky sometimes.

1. Stay Calm

When someone makes a negative comment on your Facebook page, it can be tempting to refute it right away or delete the comment. But this isn't always the best option. In fact, getting defensive and attacking the comment – or the commenter – are some of the worst things you can do.1

2. Say You're Sorry

Instead, begin by saying you're sorry for whatever grievance the client has, even if you have a perfectly reasonable explanation. Even if you didn't call a client back because of a family emergency, it can still come across like you're making excuses. Also, thank them for bringing the problem to your attention.

3. Make it Personal

Agents should also make each response personal.2 Don't use a standard go-to reply for each negative comment. This will make you seem insincere, or like you don't care about the feelings of your clients.

Dealing with negative feedback can be stressful. It's not always clear what the right answer is. But the important thing to do is remember to be respectful to your clients' feelings and always be prompt in responding to criticism.

1 Zillow