Home Is Where the Heart Is

By Jonny.Moore@nafinc.com February 27, 2018

Did you fall in love with your home at first sight?  For many homebuyers, the first step through the door seals the deal. They just feel right…at home. However, with time, love for your home is a lot like the love you feel for your family and friends. There are some things you need to get used to, and it takes some maintenance to keep the feeling going strong.

Show It Some Love

Fortunately, keeping the spark alive doesn’t require a major financial commitment. Often, it can be rekindled with some attention to the details.

1. Develop a new attitude. Replace worn towels and bed linens with fresh sets that offer more comfort and perhaps introduce a brighter or trendier color into your rooms. It can both lift your spirit and make your daily routines feel more luxurious.

2. Throw something other than shade. Try replacing your throw pillows and, perhaps, the area rug to create a whole new vibe if your living room no longer sparks your interest. Consider adding violets or reds for a romantic touch or go green to refresh your space ahead of the seasonal change.

3. Rekindle the flame. Your home’s fireplace may have been a selling point, but if you aren’t using it, ask yourself why. Not only are fireplaces romantic when it’s just the two of you, they are a good place for creating childhood memories with the whole family. Consider converting your wood burning hearth into one with gas logs. It creates the same cozy atmosphere but turns on and off from a single switch.

4. Add color to your life. The latest trends in kitchens show a move from monochromatic to two-tone color. Repainting cabinet doors may be all you need to see things in a whole new light.

5. Replace old hardware. Change out your knobs, pulls, and door handles for a refreshed look. Whether you switch from brass to crackled glass or hand-painted enamels, this simple step can literally reinvigorate the feel of your home.

6. Start looking up. New ceiling fans and fixtures can refine a room. They can also greatly improve the comfort level of a room, leading you to want to spend more time in it.  Better yet, there is an opportunity to save on energy.

Share the Love

While you’re taking the time to show some love to your home, don’t forget to extend your affections to the people who live there, too.  Perhaps, add a few dimmer switches or spread a few bouquets of flowers around to make any day seem special, perhaps even set out some chocolates or make your kids’ favorite dessert. Then, settle in to share the special days, from family movie night to Valentine’s Day, with those who make your house the place you love coming home to.